Artistic designs – Paintings & Sketches

Paintings by Sylvia C

About the artist: Painting is her hobby cum passion. She is a self learner from a very young age. Painting gives her joy and relaxation. She loves to paint oceans & beaches, scenery, Abstract, Animals & Birds.

Paintings by Mansi

About the artist: Mansi is a self taught artist. She believes that true artists are born with some innate ability that can be extended by practice and experimentation. She cannot help that she is attracted to colours. forms and textures. It’s just a normal response that catches her by surprise and produces some sort of tickle on the brain that she loves to repeat.

Her style tends to be modern. figurative with impressionistic touches. She draws what is there in her mind, she draws what is in front of her eyes. She lives to draw and she draws to live.

Sketches by Stasia

About the artist: Stasia is a student in a leading college in Mumbai. Her name means Resurrection (in Russian). The art of bringing life into something is what she strives to do. Her artistic style is to bring out dreamy, imaginative and emotional expressions. She uses Procreate on Ipad pro as a medium to do her sketches. Besides sketching, she loves reading, photography, travelling and music.